Blog 1 - What, Why & How

We wanted to start the blog with a bang so why not address what’s on a lot of your minds; What caused the bulk of the team to leave another club, why we decided to start a new one and how we did it.

Over the course of 2020 tensions grew within the team and the committee. It was clear that the visions, objectives and motives of the people involved were changing and were no longer in alignment. The club couldn’t continue to function as it was and several committee and staff members decided that it was better to leave the club that they had so much invested in to ensure that there was still a club to serve the community in the longer term.

At this point we should make clear that this was nothing personal and that all involved are immensely proud to have been a part of building the club as it was on the last day we walked through the doors. There are no hard feelings and we wish the remaining and onboarding team all the best in the future.

As passionate boxers and coaches we could not accept sitting back and no longer being a part of the sport that we love. There were over 50 people on the waiting list for the last club so we knew there was space for another club in even a small place like Brechin. We took the opportunity to visit some premises which were available soon after leaving and found what we still believe to be an absolute gem. The lease was signed a few days later and we quickly set about re-establishing a committee, registering with Boxing Scotland and getting all paperwork in place to ensure we could open the doors at the earliest opportunity. As this is the second run, we are in the fortunate position to understand the requirements and have the contacts in place to ensure a smooth onboarding.

The CBC team have worked tirelessly to pull together a club in record time. Between cleaning, painting, registering, fundraising, completing all the required paperwork, creating a website and social accounts and so much more; we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel which is an opening day in what we hope is the not-so-distant future.

This was all achieved whilst conforming to all COVID restrictions which is currently the only thing stopping us opening the doors to everyone. The journey has only started and we have already had an overwhelming number of sign ups and we honestly cannot wait to open the doors to the community and let you all in!

In summary,

·        What happened? – We had a difference of opinion and felt it was best for the old club to leave.

·        Why start a new club? – We love boxing and coaching; we didn’t want to go without it!

·        How did we start a new club? – With lots of hard work, only available through the passion we have for boxing and providing the best possible coaching.

We believe clubs like this are an asset to a community and we intend it to be just that. It is imperative that everyone has an opportunity, regardless of age, gender, race or anything else to join our club, get fit, grow and have fun in an inclusive and enjoyable environment. Our doors are open to you and we look forward to seeing you.

We are also open to any and all advice and opinion of how we can serve the Brechin and wider area, if you have any suggestions then please do get in touch!


Blog 2 - Should we be training whilst ‘injured’?


Blog Coming Soon!