Newsletter – September 2021

It’s been another eventful couple of months!

Numbers through the door continue to grow week on week. Mondays have been particularly busy with us reaching (and exceeding!) our original maximum allowance for each class. We have now increased our maximum headcount to 20 for all of our adult classes however we would like to continue encouraging everyone to book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Due to the increased popularity of the classes the team are currently assessing options for adding more classes. This will not happen overnight but may be the only way to accommodate the rapid growth in numbers whilst providing high quality training.

We were extremely happy to welcome current professional boxer Corey McCulloch into the gym in August! He took our technical group through some tough rounds of sparring with plenty of valuable feedback which resulted in instant and drastic improvement from everyone. We are grateful to Corey and his team for their support and cannot wait to see them back in action and back in the club again soon. We would also like to thank ex professional Graeme Watson and established amateurs Darren Foster and Terry Ballantine for the numerous rounds and advice to all the technical group. Their input is invaluable and greatly appreciated!

Hands of Stone boxing club from Montrose visited the club for interclub sparring on Saturday 21st of August. Interclub sparring is a step up from in club sparring and serves as an intermediate on the way to competition. They brought some experienced and technical boxers to put our competitors through their paces. It was a great performance from all and another fantastic learning experience. We will be visiting Hands of Stone soon and have arranged sparring days with other clubs over the next couple of months.

Summer camp was a huge success! Special thanks to Angus Alive for providing spaces for local schools and to Brechin Community Pantry, Angus Council and Coop for providing lunches to all participants. The camp sold out quickly and saw participants learning about boxing whilst in a game like environment. The feedback was fantastic and several participants have even joined the normal classes.

We now have our second ring setup and in use at the club. Huge thanks to Keith Massie for donating the ring to our club, the support from the community has been nothing short of outstanding and we are extremely appreciative. Having a second ring in the club allows us to run simultaneous sparring sessions and provide more high quality training throughout each class.

Finally; we would like to thank all of our participants, members and sponsors for all of their support. We could not have started and run the club without everyone’s support and appreciate everything they have done for the club!


Show Report - First Bouts Under Their Belts


Newsletter - July 2021